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Alexander Farren

About me

I'm a final year theoretical physics student at Trinity College Dublin. Here you can find some extracurricular work I've done as well as my final year project.

Alexander Farren

Hello there

About me

I'm a final year theoretical physics student at Trinity College Dublin. Here you can find some extracurricular work I've done.

Bachelor Thesis
- 2023/2024

My thesis was a review of Foundations of the \(\small\text{AdS}_5\times S^5\) Superstring in which I reproduced many of the results from the first two chapters. It involved learning about basic string theory, superalgebras, the Green-Schwarz superstring in \(\small\text{AdS}_5\times S^5\), and how one could go about quantising it in the light-cone gauge. It turns out to be difficult to quantise the model directly so one resorts to a perturbative approach in the limit as the string length goes to infinity.

Here is my thesis as well as the slides and poster to go along with it.

Research Experience
- Summer 2023

Received the Naughton Fellowship to do an REU at the University of Notre Dame. Worked with Prof. Ragnar Stroberg on spurious isospin symmetry breaking in the IMSRG formalism of ab initio many-body nuclear theory.

See report and presentation slides.

Interactive Potts Model
- 2023

Following an independent reading project on statistical field theory, my interest in critical behaviour led to this visual showcase of the square lattice Potts model.

To play around with the physics, see this interactive gallery (best on desktop).
If you want to skip straight to the theory behind it, see the report.

Solitons in 1+1 dimensions
- Nov 2023

Learned about basic soliton theory with Eliza Somerville and wrote a short introduction to solitons in 1+1 dimensions, namely solutions to the KdV equation and kink solitons for a \(\small\phi^4\) potential and a sine-Gordon potential.

See some satisfying animations and our report.

Physics Communication
- 2023

Wrote and filmed a video series introducing index notation, the Levi-Civita symbol and Einstein summation convention for the Theoretical Physics Student Association (TPSA). Recently made a video on the critical temperature of the Ising Model with Mikey Whelan.

- Einstein Summation Convention #1
- Einstein Summation Convention #2
- Einstein Summation Convention #3 - Classical Field Theory
- Critical Temperature of the 2D Ising Model

Electoral Redistricting
- May 2023

Sparked by the Real World Mathematical Modelling hackathon event, applied multi-objective optimisation and data science techniques to the elecotral redistricting of Ireland. I worked with Eliza Somerville, Ben McGloin and Mikey Whelan.

See report and code repository.